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That's the approximate radius of a neutron star, a.k.a. a pulsar.

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Q: Which star has a radius of 10 km?
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If a neutron star has a radius of 10 km and rotates 642 times a second what is the speed of the surface at the neutron star's equator in terms of the speed of light?

The Radius of the Star is 10 KM. Now we need to find the diameter. Circumference equals pi times the Diameter. That is twice the Radius, which is 20. Now we need to get the Diameter. We multiply the diameter by pi. 20 times 3.1416. 20 * 3.1416 = 62.838. Now we multiply the circumference in kilometers by the speed. 62.832 * 642 = 40,338. Now we take the speed of light, 299,997 per second and divide it into the speed of a point on the equator of our star going 40,338 kilometers per second. 40338 / 299997 = 0.1345

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