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Q: What statement about the purpose of the one door notes is true?
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What statement about the purpose of the open door notes is true?

They were meant to protect the U.S. business interests in China ~

What is true about the purpose of the open door notes?

Nations that received them did not fully accept themThey were sent to European powers.

What about the purpose of the Open Door Notes is true?

Nations that received them did not fully accept themThey were sent to European powers.

Which statement about the open door notes were true?

They were meant to protect U.s business in China (apex)

What statement is about the open door notes is true?

they were sent to European powers- apex

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What is the Open Door Notes true?

They were meant to protect U.S. interests in China.

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What statement about open doors notes is true?

The nations that received them did not fully accept them.

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