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Q: What statement describes a cause of skewed data?
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Which measure of central tendency best describes the data set without an outlier?

The mean may be a good measure but not if the data distribution is very skewed.

When the data are skewed to the right the measure of Skewness will be?

When the data are skewed to the right the measure of skewness will be positive.

When is the mean not a valid statistic to describe a set of data?

The population data may be skewed and thus the mean is not a valid statistic. If mean > median, the data will be skewed to the right. If median > mean, the data is skewed to the left.

Is there a chart for skewed data?

There isn't a specific chart for skewed data, but you could use a number of different charts to show that data is skewed. An Area chart could be used for example, or a column chart could also work. It would depend in the nature of the data.

Which statement best describes how the scientific community analyzes data?

scientists can come to different conclusions based off the same data

When is data negatively or positively skewed?

i) Since Mean<Median the distribution is negatively skewed ii) Since Mean>Median the distribution is positively skewed iii) Median>Mode the distribution is positively skewed iv) Median<Mode the distribution is negatively skewed

What is A set of data values called where there are more data values above the Mean?


What is a positively skewed distribution?

A positively skewed or right skewed distribution means that the mean of the data falls to the right of the median. Picturewise, most of the frequency would occur to the left of the graph.

What measure of central tendency may not exist for all numeric data sets?

Measurement Scale Best measure of the 'middle' Numerical mode Ordinal Median Interval Symmetrical data- mean skewed data median Ratio Symmetrical data- Mean skewed data median

What is the most appropriate measure of location for a data set which is highly skewed to either the left or the right?

If it is very highly skewed then the mode is best.

When is the mean less than the median?

When the data distribution is negatively skewed.

What does data skewed to the left in a histogram look like?

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