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Q: What statistical test should be used to determine if the average scores of two independent groups?
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What is used as a way to compare values for independent variables in many experiments?

Statistical analysis, such as ANOVA (Analysis of Variance), is commonly used to compare values for independent variables in experiments. ANOVA helps determine if there are statistically significant differences between groups and can reveal which groups differ from each other. This analysis is crucial for drawing conclusions based on the data gathered.

How do you choose the most appropriate statistical procedure?

To choose the appropriate statistical test, the following four question must be answered; What are your dependent and independent variables? What is scale of measurement of the variables? How many groups/samples are there in the study? Have I have met the assumptions of the statistical test?

What is the purpose of the Levene's test?

Levene's test is used to assess whether the variances of two or more groups are equal. It is commonly employed in statistical analysis to determine if the assumption of homogeneity of variances is met, which is important for certain statistical tests such as the t-test and ANOVA.

Why are control groups used in statistical studies?

Because its the group for which the idependent variable is help constand in a statistical study.

How can a scientist do a controlled experiment if it is not possible use several different groups?

Not every experiment has control groups. If control groups are not feasible, you do what you can, and you may still learn something of interest. In the case of something like medical research, which really should have control groups, you can still use general statistical information to establish a baseline. People (for example) normally grow to a certain average height. We administer experimental drug X to our subjects, and they grow to a certain height which can be compared to the statistical average. This does tell us something.

Do bandicoots live in groups?

No. They are independent and do not live in groups.

How can a scientist do a controlled experiment if it is not possible to use several different groups?

Not every experiment has control groups. If control groups are not feasible, you do what you can, and you may still learn something of interest. In the case of something like medical research, which really should have control groups, you can still use general statistical information to establish a baseline. People (for example) normally grow to a certain average height. We administer experimental drug X to our subjects, and they grow to a certain height which can be compared to the statistical average. This does tell us something.

Are polar bears independent or do they live in groups?

for most of their life they are independent

How much has global warming caused the temperature to rise?

Over the past two decades, three independent groups have used varying statistical methods and arrived at nearly identical conclusions that the planet's surface, on average, has warmed about 0.75 degrees Celsius since the beginning of the twentieth century. Of course, this is an average and for many reasons, some zones have warmed much more than others. In addition, variations in weather patterns result in maximum temperatures rising much more than the average.

Are elephants independent?

No, they stick together in groups

What is a statement o no difference in experimental treatments?

A statement of no difference in experimental treatments indicates that there was no significant effect observed between the groups being compared. It suggests that the results obtained from the treatments were similar or not statistically different from each other. This is often reported after statistical analysis has been performed to determine if there is a significant difference between groups.

Do humpback whales live in groups or independent?

They live in pods or groups and actually have a family structure.