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Q: What substitution should be used to rewrite 4x4 21x2 20 0 as a quadratic equation?
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How do you simplify quadratic equations?

You can combine equivalent terms. You should strive to put the equation in the form ax2 + bx + c = 0. Once it is in this standard form, you can apply the quadratic formula, or some other method, to solve it.

Xsquare plus 34x equals 56?

It doesn't look as if you can solve this easily with factoring; you might try completing the square, or use the quadratic formula, with a = 1, b = 34, c = 56.Improved answer:Presumably this is a quadratic equation in the form of x2+34x = 56.Rearrange the equation in the form of:x2+34x-56 = 0Then by completing the square or using the quadratic equation formula the values of x will work out as:x = -17- the square root of 345or x = -17+ the square root of 345Your maths tutor should be familiar with the above methods of solving quadratic equations if you're not too sure.

How do you write a program to solve a quadratic equation which has upto power 2 for example xto power 2 plus product of and x subtract 3 equals to 0?

to solve ax2 + bx + c use the quadratic formula: (-b +/-(b2 - 4ac))/2a. Programming this should be a doddle.

What are the roots of the equation x2 plus 9x plus 12 equals 0?

Use the quadratic equation: x = (-b plusminus root(b2 - 4ac)) / 2aIn this case, a = 1, b = 9, c = 12.Another answer:x2+9x+12 = 0When factorised by means of the quadratic equation formula:(x+7.372281323)(x+1.627718677) = 0Therefore the roots are: -7.372281323 and -1.627718677Check that your answer is correct by multiplying out the brackets which should bring you back to x2+9x+12 = 0

What is the solution to the quadratic equation x2-5x plus 2?

Use the quadratic formula (-b +(or)- sqrt(b^2-4ac))/2a a=1 b=-5 c=2 from (ax^2 +bx + c) you should end up with (5+sqrt17)/2 and (5-sqrt17)/2

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Always use the vertex and at least points to graph each quadratic equation?

You should always use the vertex and at least two points to graph each quadratic equation. A good choice for two points are the intercepts of the quadratic equation.

Where can someone find information on quadratic equation solvers?

If you are looking to download an app on your ti-84 or higher calculator, you should watch the "Quadratic Formula Program on the Ti-84" on youtube. Best of Luck!

How do you simplify quadratic equations?

You can combine equivalent terms. You should strive to put the equation in the form ax2 + bx + c = 0. Once it is in this standard form, you can apply the quadratic formula, or some other method, to solve it.

Given a number. square it. then subtract the sum of twice the number and 4 The result is zero. Find the number?

You want to create an equation for this. The equation should look like this: x^2 - 2x + 4 = 0 Use the quadratic equation to solve it.

How the hell do you do substitution in algebra?

replace a variable with another equation. ex. 2x + 3 = ? and x = 5. you would replace the x in the equation with 5 since x = 5. so it would be 2(5) + 3 = ?. simplify it out and it would be 13. now substitution can get way more complicated than that but that should be a helpful guide.

A2 plus 0.7a - 0.1 equals 0?

Presumably this is a quadratic equation question in the form of: a2+0.7a-0.1 = 0 Using the quadratic equation formula will give you: (a+0.8216990566)(a-0.1216990556) = 0 Therefore: a = -0.8216990566 or a = 0.1216990566 Check that your answer is correct by multiplying out the brackets you should end up with: a2+0.7a-0.1 = 0

I need An answer for 2x square -3x-2 0?

there is no problem with this quadratic equation it's 2x square - 3x -2 = 0 I need an answer. where it says square there should be a little 2 at the top corner of the 2x to make it 2x square thanks If you can't factor it easily then use the quadratic equation: The two solutions are: 2 & -.5

Xsquare plus 34x equals 56?

It doesn't look as if you can solve this easily with factoring; you might try completing the square, or use the quadratic formula, with a = 1, b = 34, c = 56.Improved answer:Presumably this is a quadratic equation in the form of x2+34x = 56.Rearrange the equation in the form of:x2+34x-56 = 0Then by completing the square or using the quadratic equation formula the values of x will work out as:x = -17- the square root of 345or x = -17+ the square root of 345Your maths tutor should be familiar with the above methods of solving quadratic equations if you're not too sure.

What is a great website to use for quadratic equations?

Wolfram Alpha can solve not just quadratic equations, but all sorts of equations. Note that in this particular website, you can see the solution for free, but you need a paid subscription to show the steps. I am sure there are other websites that can help you as well; you may want to try a Web search for "quadratic equation", for example. On the other hand, you should definitely learn to solve quadratic equations on your own.

How do you write a program to solve a quadratic equation which has upto power 2 for example xto power 2 plus product of and x subtract 3 equals to 0?

to solve ax2 + bx + c use the quadratic formula: (-b +/-(b2 - 4ac))/2a. Programming this should be a doddle.

What is the answer to 4m²- 40m plus 56 equals 0?

-24m = 56Improved answer:First divide all terms by 4 and then solve this quadratic equation by completing the square which will have two solutions:m2-10+14 = 0(m-5)2+14 = 0(m-5)2+14-25 = 0(m-5)2 = 11m-5 = + or - the square root of 11m = 5 + or 5 - the square root of 11Alternatively you can solve this equation by using the quadratic equation formula which will give you the same answer.Your tutor should be familiar with the above methods of solving quadratic equations if you aren't too sure.

What are the roots of the equation x2 plus 9x plus 12 equals 0?

Use the quadratic equation: x = (-b plusminus root(b2 - 4ac)) / 2aIn this case, a = 1, b = 9, c = 12.Another answer:x2+9x+12 = 0When factorised by means of the quadratic equation formula:(x+7.372281323)(x+1.627718677) = 0Therefore the roots are: -7.372281323 and -1.627718677Check that your answer is correct by multiplying out the brackets which should bring you back to x2+9x+12 = 0