

What is a great website to use for quadratic equations?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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9y ago

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Wolfram Alpha can solve not just quadratic equations, but all sorts of equations. Note that in this particular website, you can see the solution for free, but you need a paid subscription to show the steps. I am sure there are other websites that can help you as well; you may want to try a Web search for "quadratic equation", for example.

On the other hand, you should definitely learn to solve quadratic equations on your own.

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The Quadratic formula in mathematics is used to solve quadratic equations in algebra. The simplest way to solve these equations is to set each of the factors to zero and then solve each factor separately.

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Quadratic equations can be used in solving problems where the formula is given, falling object problems and problems involving geometric shapes.All types of engineering professions use the quadratic formula since it applies to ordinary differential equations.

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All types of engineering professions use the quadratic formula since it applies to ordinary differential equations.

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Can all quadratics be solved by completing the square?

Completing the square is one method for solving a quadratic equation. A quadratic equation can also be solved by factoring, using the square roots or quadratic formula. Solving quadratic equations by completing the square will always work when solving quadratic equations-You can also use division or even simply take a GCF, set the quantities( ) equal to zero, and subtract or add to solve for the variable

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Why would one use a quadratic equation?

One true purpose for which you could use a quadratic equation could be to figure the maximum use of crop planting in a field once you have the true area of the field figured. Quadratic equations can also be used to figure the area or the volume or the capacity of any unusually shaped object.

Can Quadratic equations that can be solved using the quadratic formula also be solved by factoring?

Yes, however not all quadratic equations can easily be solved by factoring, sometimes you can factor and sometimes it is easier to use the quadratic formula. Example: x2 + 4x + 4 This can be easily factored to (x + 2)(x +2) Therefore the answer is -2 by setting x +2 = 0 and solving for x This can be done using the quadratic equation and you would get the same results, however, it was much faster to factor instead.

What is the domain of all quadratic equations?

The set of all real numbers. Or all complex numbers, depending what you decide to use as your basic set.

Why quadratic equation is called quadratic?

In mathematics, a quadratic equation is a polynomial equation of the second degree. The general form is Where x represents a variable, and a, b, and c, constants, with a ≠ 0. (If a = 0, the equation becomes a linear equation.) The constants a, b, and c, are called respectively, the quadratic coefficient, the linear coefficient and the constant term or free term. The term "quadratic" comes from quadratus, which is the Latin word for "square." Quadratic equations can be solved by factoring, completing the square, graphing, Newton's method, and using the quadratic formula (given below). One common use of quadratic equations is computing trajectories in projectile motion. Because it is in the form of ax^2+bx+c=0