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The team of researchers which is writing up a report sums them up.

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Q: What sums up all the evidence and research in an experiment?
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What is a collection of all the techniques you use to do an experiment?

The accepted method is Research Methodology.

What are all the sums that make 24?

all the sums are 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,and 24

What do different science disciplines share?

The scientific method is common to all science. Hypothesis, experiment, reformulate the hypothesis basied on evidence from experiment and repeat!

What is a conclusion based on information?

A conclusion sums up all your observations,inference, and hypothesis in the experiment based on the data collected. This is to prove whether your hypothesis is accepted or rejected.

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Emily worked out all the sums mentally.

How is the mean calculated?

Add all the sums, then divide by the number of sums. (ie. the average.)

What are all the scientific method steps?

Scientific method steps: -Purpose -Research -Hypothesis -Experiment -Analysis -Conclution

What plant is best to do a experiment on?

well if you ask me on all the research and all the pages i have looked on bean or pea plants would be the be the best choice to do a experiment on. they grow the fastest and they are the easiest plant to grow. so that what i would do :)

What is the purpose of evidence based practice?

The purpose of evidence based practice that all decisions should be based on research study and physical evidence. It is used in medicine, dentistry and education for example.

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What is the variable setup in an experiment called?

The variable setup in an experiment is called the experimental design. This design includes all the factors and conditions that are manipulated or controlled in the experiment to test the research hypothesis.

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