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Q: What are all of the different sums you can get when rolling 3 dice?
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How many even sums can you get from rolling two dice?

You can get 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12, six even sums all together.

What is the expected value of rolling two dice?

The most probable result of rolling two dice is a sum of seven. The probability of rolling a seven is 1 in 6 or about 0.167.All of the other possible sums have decreasing probability, all the way down to 1 in 36 or about 0.0278 for a sum of two or a sum of 12.

When rolling five dice what is the probability that all 5 dice will be the same number?

The probability of rolling the same number on five dice is (1/6)4, or about 0.0007716.

When three dice are thrown what is the probability that the sum on three faces is less than 16?

There are 216 permutations of three dice. Of these, 206 have a sum that is less than 16, specifically, the permutations 466, 556, 565, 566, 646, 655, 656, 664, 665, and 666 have sums that are 16 or greater - all other permutations have sums that are less than 16. The probability, then, of rolling a sum less than 16 on three dice is 206 in 216, or about 0.9537.

What is the size sample for all outcomes possible for rolling two dice?

5 and 1.

When rolling dice are all the sums equally likely?

No. All of the permutations are equally likely, but the distinguishable combinations, and the permutations of the same sum are not. Take two dice, for instance. There are 36 permutations. The sums 2 and 12 each have only one permutation, so their probabilities are 1 in 36, each. The sum 7, however, has 6 permutations, 1-6, 2-5, 3-4, 4-3, 5-2, and 6-1, so the probability of a sum of 6 is 6 in 36, or 1 in 6.

What is the size sample for all the outcomes possible for rolling three dice?

Assuming traditional cubic dice, the sample space consists of 216 points.

What is the meaning of the idiom no dice?

Do you place dice? It is a game of chance. Throwing dice will give you a score. It has consequences.No dice means nothing happens. It has not been thrown. There is no chance at all.

What is the probability of getting a total of 7 when rolling two dice?

The least error prone way of doing this is to draw a 6x6 square of all the possiblities when rolling a pair of dice, where one is red and one blue, and work out the proportion of the combinations that sum to 7.

What is the probability of rolling a sum of 7 with 2 dice?

Te probability of rolling a sum of 7 with two fair dice is 6 in 36, or 1 in 6, or about 0.1667.Of all the possible combinations of two dice, the sum of 7 has the highest probability, with the other combinations decreasing down to 2 and 12, with probabilities of 1 in 36, or about 0.0278.

What is the sample space for all the outcomes possible from rolling 6 dice?

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

What is the size of the sample for all the outcomes possible from rolling 6 dice?

The sample space for 1 roll is of size 6.