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Q: What temperature changes are those that do not involve the addition or subtraction of heat?
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Temperature changes are those which do not involve the addition or subtraction of heat?


What is the name for temperature changes that involve no heat transfer?

Adiabatic processes involve temperature changes that do not involve heat transfer. This means any increase or decrease in temperature is due to internal energy changes within the system, rather than heat being added or removed from the surroundings.

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Compounds can only be broken apart by?

Compounds can be broken apart by chemical reactions. These reactions can involve the addition of energy in the form of heat or light, the use of a catalyst, or changes in temperature or pressure.

How do you distinguish between heat and mechanical effects?

Heat effects involve the transfer of thermal energy leading to changes in temperature, while mechanical effects involve the application of forces leading to changes in shape or movement of objects. Heat effects typically result in temperature changes without physical displacement, while mechanical effects involve physical displacement or deformation of objects due to the application of forces.

What are some inventions that involve physical changes?

Some inventions that involve physical changes include the light bulb (converting electrical energy into light), the refrigerator (changing the temperature to preserve food), and the microwave (using electromagnetic waves to heat food).

Where bodmas rule in maths used in real life?

It is used in evaluating almost all mathematical expressions. The only exceptions are ones which involve only addition and subtraction, or only multiplication and division, or are so trivial that the are expressed in BODMAS order.

Do physical changes involve change in energy?

Yes, physical changes involve a small change in energy.

What does temperature fluctuation mean?

Temperature fluctuation refers to changes or variations in temperature over a period of time. This can involve both increases and decreases in temperature, often resulting in a fluctuating pattern rather than a consistent level of heat. Fluctuations can be caused by various factors such as weather patterns, environmental changes, or human activities.

What is a addition mutations?

Addition mutations are genetic changes that involve the insertion of extra nucleotides into a DNA sequence. This can result in a shift in reading frame during translation, leading to a different protein being produced. Addition mutations can cause genetic disorders or lead to protein dysfunction.

What are characteristics do all chemical changes have?

All chemical changes involve the formation of new substances with different properties. They typically involve changes in the arrangement of atoms and the breaking and forming of chemical bonds. Chemical changes are often irreversible and are accompanied by changes in energy.

Name some jobs or careers that involve radical expressions.?

Any advanced math (basically, anything beyond addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) will be used mainly in engineering jobs. This is any career that has "engineering" in its name, and a few others that don't, such as economy and architecture.