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Amelie Runte

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Q: What term is defined as the amount of biomass produced in a area given area?
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What term defined the amount of biomass produced in a given area?


What is the amount of biomass produced in a given area?


What Term Is define as the amount of biomass produced In Given Area?


What term is defined as the amount of biomass in a given area?

Biomass density is the term defined as the amount of biomass in a given area, typically measured in terms of weight (e.g., grams per square meter) or volume (e.g., cubic meters per hectare). It provides insights into the productivity and health of an ecosystem.

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The total amount of living tissue within a given trophic level is what?


Biomass is the total amount of an ecosystem?

Biomass refers to the total weight of living organisms in a given area or ecosystem. It can include plants, animals, fungi, and microorganisms. Biomass is an important measure of the productivity and health of an ecosystem.

What term is defines the amount of biomass in a given area?

I believe it is called the yield. It is a density problem, m/v were the mass would be the biomass and the v would be the area.

What name given to describe the amount of plant biomass available for consumption by heterotrophs?

net primary productivity

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The amount of shaking produced by an earthquake at a given location is called "intensity".

How is a biological community's productivity measured?

A biological community's productivity is commonly measured using indicators such as primary productivity (the rate at which energy is converted into organic matter by plants through photosynthesis) or secondary productivity (the rate at which energy is incorporated into the biomass of consumers). These measurements provide insight into the amount of energy that flows through an ecosystem and can help assess its overall health and functioning.

The total amount of living tissue within a given trophic level is called?

The total amount of living tissue within a given trophic level is known as the biomass. It represents the collective weight of all living organisms within a specific trophic level in an ecosystem. Biomass is a critical factor in determining energy flow and nutrient cycling within ecological communities.