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sqrt(289) m = 17 m

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Q: What the side length of square having the given area A equals 289 m2?
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How do you find the length of the square with a perimeter 64Cm?

Perimeter of a square is given by 4a where 'a' is the side of square. Just put 64 equals to 4a which gives a=16

How many square feet is 108 feet?

To find the square footage from a given length in feet, you need to multiply the length by itself to get the area in square feet. In this case, 108 feet would be equal to 108 multiplied by 108, which equals 11,664 square feet.

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since A=lengthxwidth and in a square all sides are equal you would take the square root of 256 which is 16 so each side is 16cm

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The length of the side of a square with the given area of 81m squared is: 9 meters.

How do you find length if given the width of the area?

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How do you calculate the length of a square given area?

The length of the side of a square of area x square units is sqrt(x) units.

Find out the square root for that given number using string?

Halv that given number,Make a square that has that half number as the length of a side.Stretch the string across the diagonal of the square from corner to corner.The length of the string is the square root of the given number

How do you find the area of a square given only the length of its diagonal?

Given the length of the diagonal of the square ... call it 'D units'. The area of the square is (1/2 D2) (same units)2.

How do you calculate the width of a square?

It is the same as its length, and if that is not given, it is the square root of the area.

How do you determine area when perimeter and length of a square is given?

The perimeter of square is 4 x length If you have perimeter only divide by 4 to get length and The area of square is length x length If you already have length that is all you need to know

How do you determine the length and width of a square when given the area?

Square root the area. The length and width of a square are always the same and length times width is the area so this is how you get the area.

How do you find the length of each side of a square?

If you are given the area of the square, then the length of each side is the square root of the area. If you are given the length of the diagonal of a square, then the lenght of each side is equal to the length of the diagonal divided by the square root of 2. l=sqrt(a) l=d/[sqrt(2)] l=length of side, d=diagonal, a=area, sqrt means square root