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Q: What theory states the current flows from the most positive point to the most negative?
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What is the theory states that electrons flow from negative to positive?

The theory that states electrons flow from negative to positive is known as conventional current flow. This theory was established before the discovery of the negatively charged electron and is still used for practical purposes in electrical engineering and circuit analysis.

USing the theory called electron flow concept means that electrons flow from?

The electron flow concept states that electrons flow from the negative terminal to the positive terminal of a voltage source, in contrast to the conventional current flow theory which assumes positive charge carriers moving from positive to negative.

What is the conventional theory of electricity?

Conventional Electrical theory (simplified) states that electricity flows from positive to negative in contrast to Electron Theory which supposes negative to positive flow of electrons.

What is the difference between the traditional and electron flow theories of electricity?

The traditional flow theory assumes that current flows from positive to negative, following the direction of conventional current. In contrast, the electron flow theory states that electrons actually move from negative to positive, which is the direction real current flows in a circuit. Both theories describe the movement of charge in a circuit, but they differ in which terminal they consider as the starting point.

What does two-fluid theory of electricity mean?

The two-fluid theory of electricity was proposed by Benjamin Franklin in the 18th century. It suggests that electric current consists of two components - positive and negative charges - flowing in opposite directions. This theory was later replaced by the electron theory, which states that electric current is the flow of negatively charged particles called electrons.

Electron current flow theory considers electricity to be the flow of charge carries which are what in polarity?

When we consider electron flow, we think of moving electrons. The electron has a negative charge. This model of current flow, the electron current flow model, follows the movement of those negative charges.As a contrast, we might consider what is called conventional current flow. And that the model of current involves the movement of charges with a positive polarity.

What is the electon theory?

The theory belief is that electricity flows from a negative source to a positive source.

Is the carrot and stick theory a positive or negative means of motivating an employee?

Both. The carrot is a positive motivation, and the stick is a negative one.

Why is the flow of electric current opposite to the flow of electrons?

Because much of the theory of electricity was developed before scientists realised that it was not a moving positive charge that was responsible but a negative one (of the electron).

What is the current ring theory of magnetism?

The current ring theory of magnetism suggests that magnetic materials possess microscopic "current loops" created by the movement of electrons within the material. These current loops produce magnetic fields and are responsible for the magnetic properties observed in materials.

In which direction do electrons flow?

From anode to cathode.

What is Thomson theory?

An atom consists of a sphere of positive charge with negatively charged electron embedded in it,The positive and the negative charges in an atom are equal in magnitude, due to which an atom is electrically neutral. It has no over all negative or positive charge.