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Q: What they call the people who study of population?
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What do you call people study biology?

biologist??? I think! biologist??? I think!

What is a sample study?

sample is the population we make our study about them.

What does population size means?

Statistics often requires one to make estimates of some measure (variable) about a set of units. The total number of such units is the population size. Note that population, in this context, need not refer to people. If the study is about household expenditure on food (in some area), then the population is all households and the population size is the number of households (in that area). If the study is about diversity of insects in a field, the population may be all 1-metre squares in the field, and the size of the population will be the number of such plots - which will equal the area of the field.

Suppose a population contains 400000 people. All else being equal a study based on a population sample that includes numbers of respondents would be the most reliable?


What is the 'sample' in and experiment?

A group selected from a population for observation in a study. That definition comes directly from the glossary in my research in education textbook. In other words, I think you want to define the people in the study.

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