All numbers greater than one are positive integers that are either composite or prime numbers.
85, 86 and 87
no, only 1 and 3, Factors are used for only whole numbers. Integers are not included when determining if a number is prime or composite since prime and composite are terms used only for whole numbers.
They are both sets of positive integers.
They are all the integers from 2 to 200.
Integers greater than 1 can be prime or composite. No integer can be prime composite.
Neither. The concepts of prime and composite refer to integers, not decimals.
"Prime" or "composite" are terms that are defined for certain numbers, i.e., integers larger than 1. Thus, the concepts of "prime" or "composite" don't apply:* To complex numbers * To non-integers * To integers less than 2.
The property of prime or composite applies only to integers. All other numbers (non-integer rationals and all irrational numbers) are neither prime nor composite. Within integers, 0 and 1 are neither prime nor composite.
53 and 59 are prime, the rest are composite.
0 is neither a prime nor a composite number.
The number 1 is neither prime nor composite.
They both describe integers.
The concept of prime or composite is relevant only for integers larger than 1, so it is neither.
Prime numbers have only two factors. Composite numbers have more than two.
All the even numbers greater than 2 are composite.
No. The attribute "prime" and "composite" applies only to integers.