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triangle , square , rectangle

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Q: What three shapes made from straws would be rigid?
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What is a rigid shape?

A rigid shape is when you cant push/pull on it and make it turn into a different shape. You can make shapes rigid by adding "braces", which are lines that you put inside the shape to make triangles (which are rigid). For instance, a square is notrigid. To make it rigid, you would put a brace inside diagonally. This would create TWO triangles, and therefore, rigid. ~xDragonx

How to Draw a shape you could make from straws that would be rigid.?

hello.......................................................................................................... :) :) :) :) :) :) : ) : ) ) : )P ) P)P)P)P)P)P)P)P)P)P)P)P)P) >>

How many straws would you need if you used quarter straws for the edges of the base and whole straws for the other edges of octagon?


how many straws would you need if you used whole straws for the side edges and quarter straws for the base edges for an octagonal pyramid?


What are the minimum number of straws needed to make a tetrahedron?

assuming the straws do not bend, you would need six

How many straws would you need if you used whole straws for the side edges and quarter straws for the base edges?

That's going to depend on what shape you're building, which, as far as I can see, you neglected to mention.

How many straws would you use to make a octagonal pyramid for its side edges and base edges?

16 straws.

How many straws does it take to make a meter?

If the straw were normal and 8.25 inches then it would take 4.772121212121212... straws.

How many straws would you need to build the Skelton of a triangle based prism?

To build the skeleton of a triangle-based prism, you would need 9 straws: 3 for each edge of the triangle base (totaling 9 straws) and 6 additional straws to connect the vertices of the triangle to form the prism.

How many straws would you need to make a cuboid?

You would need 12 straws because a cuboid has 12 edges, 8 vertices and 6 faces

How do you make 3 squares out of 4 long straws and 4 short straws?

<X X> It should look kinda like the example above. Except it would be squares lol. Make two crosses with the 4 long straws put the ends of these together so that one square is made then make two right angles with the four short straws and place them at the other side of each cross to make three squares in a diagonal line. :)

What would happen if paper straws were the only straws Actually the world would be close to its end?

i find it really dumb that answers is just basically a comment section answers! >:(