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Q: What time is 2 hours 45 minutes before 12 noon?
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What is the time if the number of minutes since midnight is 9 times the number of minutes before noon?

Number of minutes since midnight = 9*number of minutes since noon. So number of minutes since midnight = 9/(9+1)*number of minutes between midnight and noon. = 0.9*number of minutes between midnight and noon. = 0.9*time between midnight and noon. = 0.9*12 hours. = 10.8 hours. = 10 hours and 0.8*60 minutes = 10 hours and 48 minutes. So the time is 10:48 am

What time is 1235 hours?

35 minutes after noon

How many hours are there from 12 AM to 4 AM?

There is no such time as 12 am. am stands for "before noon" and before noon cannot be noon.

What time is 10 minuts before noon?

Ten minutes before noon is a time. Or you could say: 10 to twelve 10 to noon 11.50 am.

What time will it be 2 hours and 15 minutes after noon?

2:15 PM

What time is one hour fourteen minutes before noon?


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How is the time divided?

Time is divided into: 24 hours equalling a day and a night. (midnight to noon = 12 hours, noon to midnight = 12 hours). There are 60 minutes in 1 hour. There are 60 seconds in 1 minute.

What time is 45 minutes before noon?

11:15 am

What is the elapsed time of 11 30 am to 2 20 pm?

2 hours 20 minutes plus the 30 minutes it took to get to noon. 2 hours 50 minutes.

What is the meaning of day time before noon?

Day time before noon refers to the period of time between sunrise and noon, typically from around 6:00 AM to 12:00 PM. It is also known as morning or AM hours.