Ten past ten is typically interpreted as 10:10 on a clock. In a standard 12-hour clock format, this would be in the morning. In a 24-hour clock format, this would be 10:10 hours. The minute hand points at the 2, and the hour hand points at the 10.
Well, isn't that just a happy little question! When the clock strikes ten past ten, it creates a beautiful smile on the face of time. The hour hand gently rests on the 10, while the minute hand gracefully points to the 2, creating a lovely balance on the clock's canvas. Just imagine that peaceful moment, where time pauses to admire its own beauty.
Ten minutes past six.
It is: ten to eight
10 minutes past one
Ten past ten on a clock face has the hands balanced symmetrically on either side of the 12. Other times would also do this: quarter-past nine, for example, or twenty past eight. But ten ten looks best for display.
A time
ten past ten!
Ten minutes past six.
It is: ten to eight
40 minutes
10 minutes past one
one past ten
Ten minutes to two
Ten past ten on a clock face has the hands balanced symmetrically on either side of the 12. Other times would also do this: quarter-past nine, for example, or twenty past eight. But ten ten looks best for display.