10 past 8 is huit heures dix in French. Ten to eight is huit heures moins dix.
There are eight million/ten thousand = eight hundred.
8.25 means twenty-five minutes past eight.
Twenty minutes.
Eighty-one and eight thousand eight hundred eighty-seven ten thousandths.Eighty-one and eight thousand eight hundred eighty-seven ten thousandths
It is: ten to eight
Eight minutes after ten o'clock.
one hour and ten minuts
'huit heures dix'
ten to eight7:50 + 0:20 = 8:10
Ten past ten on a clock face has the hands balanced symmetrically on either side of the 12. Other times would also do this: quarter-past nine, for example, or twenty past eight. But ten ten looks best for display.
10 past 8 is huit heures dix in French. Ten to eight is huit heures moins dix.
10 past 8 is huit heures dix in French. Ten to eight is huit heures moins dix.
the past ten of think is
There are eight million/ten thousand = eight hundred.
For eight, 2 For ten, 2 and 5
The word 'ten' is a noun, it doesn't have a past tense.