10 past 8 is huit heures dix in French. Ten to eight is huit heures moins dix.
There are eight million/ten thousand = eight hundred.
8.25 means twenty-five minutes past eight.
Twenty minutes.
Eighty-one and eight thousand eight hundred eighty-seven ten thousandths.Eighty-one and eight thousand eight hundred eighty-seven ten thousandths
It is: ten to eight
Eight minutes after ten o'clock.
one hour and ten minuts
'huit heures dix'
ten to eight7:50 + 0:20 = 8:10
Ten past ten on a clock face has the hands balanced symmetrically on either side of the 12. Other times would also do this: quarter-past nine, for example, or twenty past eight. But ten ten looks best for display.
10 past 8 is huit heures dix in French. Ten to eight is huit heures moins dix.
10 past 8 is huit heures dix in French. Ten to eight is huit heures moins dix.
Ten past ten, is another way of saying ten minutes past ten o'clock, it can be am (morning) or pm (evening).
the past ten of think is
There are eight million/ten thousand = eight hundred.
For eight, 2 For ten, 2 and 5