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Q: What travels 300 million meters second?
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How many meters does light travel in 2 hours?

Light travels 300,000 km per second, or 300 million meters/second. Convert the 2 hours to seconds, then multiply by 300 million.

How fast does light waves travels in 1 second?

Please note that the speed is the same for 1 second or for 1 hour or whatever. Light travels 300,000 km per second, or 300 million meters per second.

When does sound travel on the speed with light?

Sound travels, in air, at about 320 meters per second. Light travels about 300 000 000 meters per second

What is the speed of x radiation?

All wave radiation travels at the speed of light. The speed of light in a vacuum is approximately 671 million miles per hour or 300 million meters per second.

What travels faster out of sound and light?

Light is roughly a million times faster than sound. (Speed of light in a vacuum: 300 million meters/second; speed of sound in air: ca. 350 meters/second; the speed of soundin other substances varies quite a lot.)

What is the speed which a wave travels?

The speed of waves varies greatly, depending on the type of wave. The fastest waves travel at the speed of light, which is ca. 300 million meters/second.

What is the speed at which the wave travels?

The speed of waves varies greatly, depending on the type of wave. The fastest waves travel at the speed of light, which is ca. 300 million meters/second.

How many meters per second is the speed of light?

299792500 m/s (about 300 million meters per second)

Is it true that sound travels at the same speed as light?

The speed of sound through air is about 340 meters per second. (The speed of sound in water is about 4 times faster than this). The speed of light in air is about 300 million meters per second.

How far a car travels in 300 seconds at a top speed of 30 meters per second?

I think it must be 300 x 30...

How fast does theRadio waves travel?

Radio waves travel at the speed of light 300 Million meters/second, 300e6 meters/second

How fast does sound travel from planet to planet?

sound travels over 300 meters per second. do the math ;) but light is just about 300 000 kilometers per second!