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Q: What tree species appeared between 20 and 50 years after the field was abandoned?
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What type of succession takes place in an abandoned field?

Primary succession occurs in an abandoned field when plant species colonize the area where no plants previously existed. Over time, these pioneer species help to create a more stable ecosystem, allowing for the growth of more diverse plant and animal species.

Why didn't rosecrans win at the battle of Murfreesboro?

He claimed victory, since the Confederates abandoned the field.

What is field ecology?

Field ecology is the study of organisms and their interactions with each other and their environment in their natural habitats. It involves observing and collecting data directly in the field to understand the relationships between species and the impact of environmental factors on their populations. Field ecologists may study everything from individual species' behaviors to entire ecosystems.

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differentiate between field experiment and survey and advantages

What has the author Kathryn Coulter written?

Kathryn Coulter has written: 'The reversal of an abandoned field to forest' -- subject(s): Forests and forestry

Are field mice white mice?

One is a larger, domesticate species & the other is a smaller, wild species.

What is a ducks species?

There are many duck species..Mallards, pintails, black, ringnecks, and many others..Consult a field guide.

Why was the battle of kings mountain a dishonorable victory for American forces?

Because after the battle 163 badly wounded Tories were abandoned on the field by the Americans.

What is a field mark?

a pattern or marking characteristic of a of a particular species of bird

How do a deciduous forest become a farm field?

Secondary Succession is the natural process responsible for the transformation of an abandoned farm field into a deciduous forest. Dispersal mechanisms (seeds from trees paired with wind and biological transport) introduce new trees to the open habitat. First, weedy species (not "weeds", but species that grow relatively fast, have short life-spans and produce a-lot of seeds) move in and establish themselves. Over time, more species move into the area by similar means. As deciduous trees grow they will compete with neighbors for light and nutrients. Some will be crowded out while other continue to grow. After many years, (several decades) a "mature" forest can be established depending mostly on what species were in the area at the beginning