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Q: What two factors affect the choice of scale when working on a production drawing?
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How do the four factors of production affect the economy?

Production factors are essentially the resources needed to produce something. The four generally recognized production factors are land, labor, capital, and either entrepreneurship or time, according to different economists.

What are the factors that affect the supply?

There are many factors that affect labor supply. In most cases, this will be determined by the wage rate of the particular industry and the production level expected among other factors.

What are several factors that could affect the production of wine?

temperature, grapes quality, lack of skilled staff during production

What are the factors that affect labor supply?

There are many factors that affect labor supply. In most cases, this will be determined by the wage rate of the particular industry and the production level expected among other factors.

What factors affect enzyme production?

Factors that affect enzyme production include the availability of substrate for the enzyme to act on, the pH and temperature of the environment, the presence of cofactors or coenzymes, and the regulation of gene expression through factors like inducers or inhibitors. Additionally, factors such as stress, nutrient availability, and feedback inhibition can also influence enzyme production.

What are the factors that affect the production of food and beverage farming?

drought soil conditions financial situation

What are dietary factors that affect red blood cell production?

B12/folate, Vitamin C, Copper,

What factors affect the rate and amount of primary production?

Factors that affect the rate and amount of primary production include the availability of sunlight for photosynthesis, nutrient availability (especially nitrogen and phosphorus), water temperature, and the presence of herbivores or other factors that can limit plant growth. These factors interact to influence the overall productivity of an ecosystem.

What are some factors that would affect the electrical production of a photovoltaic cell?

Factors that affect the electrical production of a photovoltaic cell include sunlight intensity, angle of sunlight hitting the cell, temperature, shading, and the quality of the materials used in the cell. These factors can influence the amount of electrical energy produced by the solar cell.

What 2 factors can affect an enzyme from working properly?

pH and Temperature both impact the enzyme's function.What_factors_affect_enzyme_production