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differences between quantitative and qualitative data

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Q: What two features must a sample have if it is to accurately represent a population?
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What two features must a sample have if its to accurately represent a population?

The sample must be large and random.

What two features must a sample have to accurately represent a population?

A sample must be representative, meaning that it reflects the characteristics of the population it is drawn from. It must also be large enough to minimize sampling error and increase the likelihood of capturing the population's diversity.

What is the term for a small group that accurately reflects a large population?

The term is "representative sample." It is a subset of a population that accurately reflects the characteristics of the whole population it is meant to represent.

What will happen if the sample you have drawn from the population does not represent the population?

You are studying the sample because you want to find out information about the whole population. If the sample you have drawn from the population does not represent the population, you will find out about the sample but will not find out about the population.

What happens to the sample size if you increase the standard deviation?

The statistics of the population aren't supposed to depend on the sample size. If they do, that just means that at least one of the samples doesn't accurately represent the population. Maybe both.

What is a representative sample?

A sample that accurately reflects the characteristics of the population as a whole

What is the defining characteristic of a representative sample?

A representative sample accurately reflects the characteristics of the population it is drawn from. This means that the sample is chosen in a way that each member of the population has an equal chance of being included in the sample, which helps to ensure that the findings can be generalized back to the population.

A subset of a population selected to represent the population is a?


Samplea sample that does not fairly represent the population?

Biased sample

Will Random sample always accurately predict the outcomes of an entire population?

No. Only a census can ACCURATELY predict the outcomes: a random sample cannot.

A small number of people used to represent an entire population is called a?

A small number of people used to represent an entire population is called a sample. Typically the sample reflects characteristics of the larger population from which it is drawn.

Which conditions may be met for a scientifically valid sample?

at random to represent the population