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Q: What two interesting events from Gauss Carl's life?
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He is a character in a book series called Life of Fred.

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Albert Einstien won the Nobel prize and made the science term E=MC2

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her family and her teachers and espesically gauss the teacher which brought her into school

What is a significant event in the life of Carl Friedrich Gauss?

On March 30, 1796, Gauss discovered that it was possible to construct a regular polygon with seventeen sides using a straightedge and compass. This was the first new construction of a regular polygon since the time of Euclid. The discovery, made when Gauss was only eighteen years old, persuaded him to make mathematics his career.

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How do you write a book about your life?

Make a list of the most exciting things that have happened to you in your life. Then, fill in around those events with descriptions, memories, and other interesting facts. You can also get one of those "how to write an autobiography" books that ask you a bunch of questions about your life to get you started.

What was the life like for the colonists?

life was very interesting.

What Is The Most interesting Thing In Old Yeller?

I think the most interesting (and the saddest) thing is that in most cultures, if someone saves your life, you owe them your life. It's interesting that Travis has to kill the animal that saved his life.

Who is a interesting person?

I think an interesting person is someone who's had interesting experiences in their life and if you speak about them, someone who listens to you will consider you to be interesting.

Does Emmerdale's Carl King have a brother in real life on tv?

scarlett nichols related to jasmineNo she isn't carls daughter in real life but she is sisters with jasmine !! i found that out yesterday !! xx