All prime numbers except for 2 are odd. The sum of any two odd numbers is even. Therefore, unless 85 is prime (it's not) or -2 is, (it's not) there aren't two prime numbers that will equal 87.
They can be: 3*29 = 87
the numbers divisible by 87 are 1,3,29, and 87
What two numbers multiplied together equal 2001
numbers divisible to 87 = 3, 29, 87
1 and 87. or 3 and 29
All prime numbers except for 2 are odd. The sum of any two odd numbers is even. Therefore, unless 85 is prime (it's not) or -2 is, (it's not) there aren't two prime numbers that will equal 87.
They are: 3*29 = 87
They can be: 3*29 = 87
1 x 87 3 x 29
Aside from itself and one, the only positive integer factors of 87 are 3 and 29.
1 x 87, 3 x 29.
As a general rule, the product of the GCF and the LCM is equal to the product of the original numbers. That would make the answer to this problem 6240. Unfortunately, the GCF of 348 and 6240 isn't 87 and their LCM isn't 24960. Someone notated this problem incorrectly.
The answer is 163. Simply add the numbers together arithmetically as you would for the problem two plus two. To check your work, a calculator is the best option.
The numbers are 87 and 89.
what two numbers equal 253
the numbers divisible by 87 are 1,3,29, and 87