Prime numbers are numbers that can be divided by by only 1 and itself. 494 can be divided by 2, 247 etc. so it is not a prime number.
Divide it by two: 494 divided by 2 equals 247.
494, 495, and 496. One way to figure it: Let the 3 numbers be N, N+1, and N+2. So N + N+1 + N+2 = 3*N + 3. Set equal to 1485, and solve for N. N = 494. So the other two numbers are 495 and 496.
78 42 are, as far as I can make out, two numbers. They do not make a triangle.78 42 are, as far as I can make out, two numbers. They do not make a triangle.78 42 are, as far as I can make out, two numbers. They do not make a triangle.78 42 are, as far as I can make out, two numbers. They do not make a triangle.
Prime numbers are numbers that can be divided by by only 1 and itself. 494 can be divided by 2, 247 etc. so it is not a prime number.
Divide it by two: 494 divided by 2 equals 247.
246 and 248.Any even number can be written in the form 2n, for some integer n. The next consecutive integer is 2n + 2. These two numbers added together equal 494:2n + (2n + 2) = 494so4n + 2 = 4944n = 492n = 123so2n = 246 and 2n +2 = 248.
No two prime numbers can make 30.No two prime numbers can make 30.No two prime numbers can make 30.No two prime numbers can make 30.
494, 495, and 496. One way to figure it: Let the 3 numbers be N, N+1, and N+2. So N + N+1 + N+2 = 3*N + 3. Set equal to 1485, and solve for N. N = 494. So the other two numbers are 495 and 496.
78 42 are, as far as I can make out, two numbers. They do not make a triangle.78 42 are, as far as I can make out, two numbers. They do not make a triangle.78 42 are, as far as I can make out, two numbers. They do not make a triangle.78 42 are, as far as I can make out, two numbers. They do not make a triangle.
247, 494 (=247*2), 741 (=247*3) etc.
5 and -3
645 - 151 = 494 494 / 2 = 247 247 + 151 = 398 Which means: 398 + 247 = 645 and 398 - 247 = 151