three zeros
15625 x 64 = 1000000
1*10^10 Or, 1 followed by ten zeros: 10000000000
999,999 + 1 = 1,000,000
1000000 = 106 = (2*5)6 = 26*56 = 64*15625
K is equal to three zeros, therefor 100k means 100.000 (or 100000)
No. You need four more zeros.
200,000 multiplied by 100,000 equals 20,000,000,000. This calculation involves multiplying the two numbers together to find the product. To do this, you can multiply the two numbers without the commas and then add the total number of zeros from both original numbers to the end of the result.
In the Indian numbering system, one lakh is equal to 100,000. Therefore, 35 lakhs would be 3,500,000. There are four zeros in 3,500,000.
595/100000 there are 5 zeros so we shift 5 to the left after adding zeros to 595 so we don't run out .00595
three zeros
15625 x 64 = 1000000
When multiplying by a square number of ten, just move the decimal however many zeros to the right. 5.68 x 100,000 = 568,000.00
Due to carries, in the multiplication a zero can change to a non-zero and vice versa.
Count the zeros. 5 zeros = 105