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three zeros

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Q: The numbers 0.03 and 0.005 are multiplied Exactly how many zeros are between the decimal point and the first nonzero digit in the product?
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What is a nonzero integer between -1 and 1?

There is none. An integer has to be a number with no decimal places

What is 1.6 in scientific notation?

1.6 in scientific notation is 1.6 x 100. Since the decimal place is exactly between the leading nonzero digit and the adjacent digit, the exponent for base 10 is 0 because you are not moving the decimal point at all!

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How many significant figures are in 0.5070?

three if somebody goes through the bother of putting extra zero after a decimal point then it must be because they are significant. 0.00030000000000000 has 14 significant figures 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004 has only one significant figure

How many significant digits does 4.450 have?

Five. Zeros that are after the decimal and are after nonzero integers are always significant.

How many significant figures are in 1009.630 mL?

There are six significant figures in 1009.630 mL. The zeros that follow the decimal point and are trapped between nonzero digits are considered significant.

What is 1.07 written in scientific notation?

Since the decimal place is between the leading nonzero digit and the adjacent digit on the right, there is no need to shift the decimal point. Therefore, 1.07 in scientific notation is: 1.07 * 100

What is the difference of a whole number and a nonzero whole number?

A whole number is any number that is not a fraction, decimal, or mixed number. A nonzero whole number is the same, except that it doesn't equal zero.

How could this measurement be written in scientific notation 2.7?

Since the decimal place occurs between the leading nonzero coefficient and the adjacent digit 7, there is no need to move a decimal place either left or right. Therefore, we have 2.7 x 100 in scientific notation.

How many atomic mass uniuts are there in 4.8g in scientific notation?

In scientific notation, we have 4.8 x 100 g since the decimal place occurs between the leading nonzero digit and the adjacent digit.

How can you do scientific notation?

Some steps to convert the term into scientific notation:Determine the leading nonzero digit of the value.From the starting point, which is usually between two values, move the certain decimal places left/right until the decimal place takes place after the leading nonzero digit.Take note of how many decimal places you move the decimal point.For example, 1234.5061Move 3 decimal places to the left to get 1.2345061 x 10³.If you move the decimal point to the left, we obtain positive exponent for base 10.If you move the decimal point to the right ,we obtain negative exponent for base 10.Otherwise, if you don't move the decimal point at all, then we obtain zero exponent for base 10!