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Italy occupies all latitudes within the range of about 36.65° -- 47.09° North.

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Q: What two parallels of Latitude is Italy situated?
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Related questions

What are Imaginary lines which run at right angles to the equator?

They are lines of constant latitude, all parallel to the equator.

Which two parallels run through Canada?

An infinite number of parallels of latitude run through Canada. The two most significant ones are the 49th and the 60th.

The Big Island of Hawaii is located approximately between which two parallels of latitude?

18.91° to 20.27° north latitude

What is the name of two parallels of latitude?

14° 28' 34.1" South42.0362° North

Are lines of latitude always parallel?

Yes. Any two lines of latitude are the same distance apart everywhere, and they never meet or cross. This is a big part of the reason that they're often called "parallels" of latitude.

What is imaginary lines that run parallel to the Equator?

there are two names i can think of: lines of latitude and also parallels

How many miles is in between two parallels 1 degree apart?

The distance between two parallels that are 1 degree apart is approximately 69 miles. This value is constant at any latitude circle.

What is parallel to lines of latitude?

No two lines of constant latitude ever touch or cross each other. They are the same distance apart everywhere. That's why they're often referred to as "parallels" of latitude.

Does parallels mean the measurement of longitude and latitude?

No, parallels refer to lines of latitude that run parallel to the equator. Longitude and latitude are used to determine specific coordinates on the Earth's surface. Longitude measures east-west position while latitude measures north-south position.

What are two names for the lines that run east to west on a globe?

Two names for the lines that run east to west on a globe are equator and latitude lines.

What are two European Countries located at 42 degrees North?

Two European countries located at 42 degrees North are Spain and Italy. These countries are situated across southern Europe, with Spain bordering the northern coast of the Mediterranean Sea and Italy located further east along the same latitude.

What else are latitude lines called?

Lines of latitude are also called parallels because they are all parallel to each other. Any two lines of latitude you choose are the same distance apart everywhere, and no two lines of latitude ever cross. Latitude 36 degrees north is called the 36th parallel north