5 x 97 = 485
485 = 5 x 97
97 times five dungars and tuties and poshab
On converting between Arabic and Roman Numbers ,we get : 485 IN ROMAN NUMERALS is written as : CDLXXXV
5 x 97 = 485
485 = 5 x 97.
485 = 5 x 97
485 = 5 x 97
The Prime Factors of 485 are 5, 97
485 = 5 x 97 which are both prime numbers so your question has no answer other than 485 itself.
The prime factors of 485 are 5 and 197.
97 times five dungars and tuties and poshab
485 is divisible by 5, and therefore cannot be a prime number.
1, 5, 97, and 485. The prime factorization is 5 x 97.
The factors of 485 are: 1, 5, 97, 485.
On converting between Arabic and Roman Numbers ,we get : 485 IN ROMAN NUMERALS is written as : CDLXXXV