Two lines of a plane are said to be parallel if they do not intersect and the perpendicular distance betweem them is always same.
Things in the same plane are coplanar.
Rays aren't really lines, since (Euclidean) lines extend infinitely in all directions, so they can't be parallel lines. But that's to fret a bit too much over the wording. Yes, rays, just like lines and line segments, can be parallel to other rays, lines, or line segments.
A set of points, lines, line segments, rays or any other geometrical shapes that lie on the same plane are said to be Coplanar.
6 points
that is impossible. if they aren't parrallel, and they're rays they have to intersect at some point. This is because rays spread at both ends. The above answer is only correct if the rays on drawn on the same plane or if they are drawn on convergent (intersecting) planes, so the correct answer is the two rays must be drawn on separate planes that are not convergent, since all non-parallel lines on the same plane, or on convergent planes, will eventually intersect. If they are drawn in 3 dimensions than you can avoid them intersecting. Perhaps the questions is not specific enough?
Things in the same plane are coplanar.
A set of points, lines, line segments, rays or any other geometrical shapes that lie on the same plane.
If rays, parallel ones. If segments there are many more options because you can have a segment that is not long enough to reach the point of intersection.
Rays aren't really lines, since (Euclidean) lines extend infinitely in all directions, so they can't be parallel lines. But that's to fret a bit too much over the wording. Yes, rays, just like lines and line segments, can be parallel to other rays, lines, or line segments.
First, lines and rays cannot be congruent because they do not have both end points defined. Not having an end point define means we cannot talk about their length so they can't be congruent. Line segments, however, can be congruent. Congruent line segments NEED NOT be parallel.Furthermore, if two line segments are parallel, that does not mean they are congruent since parallel line segments may not have the same length.Congruent line segments would be ones that are the same length.
A set of points, lines, line segments, rays or any other geometrical shapes that lie on the same plane are said to be Coplanar.
A set of points, lines, line segments, rays or any other geometrical shapes that lie on the same plane are said to be Coplanar.
The definition of parallel is two rays, lines, or line segments that have the same slope and will never touch. The word parallel is a good example (at least in lowercase) - examine the l's.parallelAlso depends on the font you choose.ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
6 points
that is impossible. if they aren't parrallel, and they're rays they have to intersect at some point. This is because rays spread at both ends. The above answer is only correct if the rays on drawn on the same plane or if they are drawn on convergent (intersecting) planes, so the correct answer is the two rays must be drawn on separate planes that are not convergent, since all non-parallel lines on the same plane, or on convergent planes, will eventually intersect. If they are drawn in 3 dimensions than you can avoid them intersecting. Perhaps the questions is not specific enough?
When rays of light incident on a lens and parallel to the principal axis converge, they meet at the focal point of the lens. This is known as focal point convergence, where the parallel rays are focused by the lens to a point on the principal axis.