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If rays, parallel ones.

If segments there are many more options because you can have a segment that is not long enough to reach the point of intersection.

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Q: What are coplanar lines rays or segments that do not intersect?
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What are points lines rays or segments that lie in the same plane called?

Things in the same plane are coplanar.

What is a coplanar in math?

A set of points, lines, line segments, rays or any other geometrical shapes that lie on the same plane are said to be Coplanar.

What is coplanar in math?

A set of points, lines, line segments, rays or any other geometrical shapes that lie on the same plane are said to be Coplanar.

Coplanar segments definition?

A set of points, lines, line segments, rays or any other geometrical shapes that lie on the same plane.

What are concurrent points?

A point of concurrency is a place where three or more, but at least three lines, rays, segments or planes intersect in one spot. If they do, then those lines are considered concurrent, or the the rays are considered concurrent.

What do you get when segments CD and RS dont intersect but rays CD and RS intersect?

cd rs

What two segments or rays in the Same plane are parallel?

Two lines of a plane are said to be parallel if they do not intersect and the perpendicular distance betweem them is always same.

Is a ray an example of an angle?

NO An angle is comprised of two rays, lines, or line segments. The two being used must come from the point point in space and must be coplanar. (It must be to lines coming from the same point.)

What are the different lines in geometry called?

segments, lines, and rays.

In what branch of math do you learn about rays points chords and line segments?

Geometry teaches points, lines, rays, chords and segments.

Can segments and rays be skew lines if they lie in skew lines?

They can be, and are, "skew". If they are not lines, they cannot be "skew lines".

Can rays ever be parallel lines?

Rays aren't really lines, since (Euclidean) lines extend infinitely in all directions, so they can't be parallel lines. But that's to fret a bit too much over the wording. Yes, rays, just like lines and line segments, can be parallel to other rays, lines, or line segments.