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square base pyramid and a triangular base pyramid

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Q: What two solid figures have four faces that are triangles?
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What is the name of the geometric solid with four faces that are congruent triangles?

Isosceles TetrahedronA solid with four faces is a tetrahedron. Each of the faces is a triangle. If all the triangles are congruent, you have an isosceles tetrahedron.

Which Platonic solid has four faces that are equilateral triangles?


A solid figure with four faces that are triangles with four vertices and six edges?


Which which solid figure that has 4 flat surfaces that are triangles Solid figures that has 4 flat surfaces that are triangles?

The solid figure that has 4 flat surfaces that are triangles is a tetrahedron. A tetrahedron is a polyhedron with four triangular faces, six straight edges, and four vertex corners. Each of the four faces of a tetrahedron is an equilateral triangle, making it a regular polyhedron.

The base of this solid figure has four equal sides the faces are triangles?

The answer is a pyramid.

What solid has 5 faces 6 edges and 4 vertexes?

The tetrahedron, consisting of four regular triangles.

The base of this solid figure has 4 equal sides The faces are triangles What is this figure?

There is a contradiction in your question. If the base has four equal sides then is it a square so not all the faces are Triangles. However if the base is a square and the rest of the faces are triangles then your object is a "Square-based Pyramid"

Which solid figure has 4 tringluar faces?

A triangular-based pyramid - it consists of four equilateral triangles, joined at the points.

You have five faces four of your faces are triangles what are you?

Square Pyramid

Solid with 5 faces?

Pyramid with a square base. One square side on the bottom and four triangles meeting at a point on the top.

Does a rectangular prism have four faces that are triangles?


Looking for a solid with four faces for maths?

A solid with four faces for maths is a tetrahedron.