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Q: What two variables is climate defined by?
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Why are force and distance the two variables of work?

Its arbitrary - that's how the word (work) is defined.

What is the answer for 3x plus 2y equals 7?

The answer is every point on the line in the Cartesian plane which is defined by the equation. You have one linear equation in two unknown variables. In order to solve for two variables you need two independent linear equations.

A is defined by types of weather whereas a is defined by the plants and animals that live there.?

climate zone; biome

Is the set of the independent variable of the function a domain?

No, because a function can also be defined between two interdependent variables so that there is no independent variable.

How are dry climate defined?

They are defined by how dry and how little precipitation or water there is

Does weather influence climate or does climate influence weather?

Climate is a classification that is chiefly defined by weather.

Is defined by types of ecosystems defined by types of weather?

biome climate zone

Is a rectangle determined by its area and perimeter?

Yes. Given two equations ... one for area and one for perimeter ... in two variables ... length and width ... I'd say that the dimensions are uniquely defined.

Who defined climate change?

Climate change is a widely acknowledged phenomenon in which long-term shifts in temperature, precipitation, and other weather patterns occur over a significant period of time. Scientific research and data from multiple sources, including the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), have defined and provided evidence of climate change through observations of rising global temperatures, changing weather patterns, and impacts on ecosystems around the world.

What does ''highly correlated'' mean?

Correlation is defined as the degree of relationship between two or more variables. It is also called the simple correlation. The degree of relationship between two or more variables is called multi correlation. when two or more variables are said to be higjly correlated it means that they have a strong relationship such that a given rise or fall in one variable will lead to a direct change in the other variable or variables. good examples of highly correlated variables are price and quantity, wage rate and out put, tax and income.

Are quiz scores discrete or continuous variables?

Quiz and exam scores are discrete variables because they are defined as one exact number.

What variables are needed to calculate pressure?

To calculate pressure, you need the force applied on a surface and the area over which the force is distributed. Pressure is defined as force per unit area (P = F/A), so these two variables are essential for the calculation.