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Experimental data. Information about what conditions are present when measured or observed.

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Q: What type of data do you collect during an experiment?
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Which type of biologist is least likely to collect data by doing controlled experiment?

An evolutionary biologist is least likely to collect data by doing controlled experiments. Evolutionary biologists study living organisms through the lens of evolutionary theory.

How would scientist organize data collected from an experiment into a graph?

Scientists typically organize their data into a graph by choosing the appropriate type of graph (such as line, bar, or scatter plot) based on the nature of the data. They then plot the independent variable on the x-axis and the dependent variable on the y-axis, ensuring each data point is accurately represented. Finally, they may add labels, titles, and legends to clearly communicate the relationship being shown in the graph.

Which of these is an example of a type of technology used to collect data?

A GPS device is an example of a technology used to collect location data.

What type of data involves characteristics that cannot be easily measured or countered in an experiment?

Qualitive data

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What type of biologists is least likely to collect data by controlled experiments?

evolutionary biologist

What type of data does the US Geological Survey not collect?

The US Geological Survey does not typically collect personal, confidential, or proprietary data. They focus on collecting and studying geological, geophysical, hydrological, and biological data for public use and research purposes.

How is a survey used in a science experiment?

In a science experiment, a survey can be used to collect data from participants on their opinions, behaviors, or experiences related to the research topic. Surveys can help scientists gather information about a large group of people efficiently and provide quantitative data for analysis and interpretation in the experiment.

What type of biologist is least likely to collect data by doing controlled experiments?

evolutionary biologist

What type of display is commonly used to express data collected from an experiment?

A pie chart or a graph.

What type of test are to compare data from an experiment to determine if results are due to chance?

statistical tests

What type of test are used to compare data from an experiment to determine if result are due to chance?
