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Q: What type of data would you want to display using a circle graph?
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What graph would you use to display data for the results of a survey of students favorite activities a bar graph circle graph or a line graph?

Anyone of them is fine. It doesn't really matter.

What type of graph would you use to display the ages of students in your classroom?

The type of graph you would use would be a PICTURE GRAPH or a TALLY CHART

Which type of graph would best display data for showing trends?

line graph

What is the best graph suited to display the amount of iron ore in four different countries?

A stacked bar graph would be a suitable choice to display the amount of iron ore in four different countries. This graph allows you to compare the total amount of iron ore in each country as well as the distribution of iron ore production within each country.

What graph type would best display data relationships over time?

Line Graph.

What graph would you use to display student's ages?

Most likely a bar or pie graph

What is the method for finding pi?

Circumference of a circle = (pi) x diameter of the circle therefore,pi = Circumference/diameter or plot a graph of circumference against diameter using many circles and the slope of the line on the graph would be equal to pi.

What would 450 be in a circle graph?

If, by circle graph, you mean a pie graph then 450 will be 360*450/n degrees where n is the sum of all the sectors of the pie.

What graph would you use to show how fixed quantity is broken into parts?

circle graph

What graph would best show percents?

circle graph /aka/ pie chart

What type of graph would you use to display the number of hours you spend playing a sport?

a collumn graph

What kind of graph would you use to display data about temperatures for a week?

probably orographic bar graph would work the best!