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A straight line other than, trivially the x-axis (y = 0) or y = 1.

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Q: What type of function cannot be represented by a geometric sequence?
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Is a parabola a line?

By the geometric definition of a line, it is represented by two points, and all points on the line are collinear, between or extrapolating to infinity from the straight line made by the two points. In other words, a line is straight, and can be represented by a binomial function (example: y=2x+1). A parabola is a function, but cannot be described mathematically as a line.

What type of books are fractual?

a geometric pattern that is repeated at every scale and so cannot be represented by classical geometry

What is the 15th term of -4 26?

The question cannot be answered because two terms are not enough to determine whether the sequence is arithmetic or geometric (or something else).

Can an arithmetic sequence be odd?

An arithmetic sequence can consist of only odd numbers but it cannot be an odd function since it need not be defined for negative values of the index.

What number comes next in the sequence 0-1-2-4-16?

The differences are not the same so the sequence is not arithmetic. The sequence starts with a zero, so it cannot be geometric, or an exponential (power) sequence. The quartic: (2n4 - 19n3 + 64n2 - 83n + 36)/6 fits the 5 points. That gives the next term as 55.

What are some examples of geometric?

There aren't any. Geometric is an adjective and you need a noun to go with it before it is possible to consider answering the question. There are geometric sequences, geometric means, geometric theories, geometric shapes. I cannot guess what your question is about.

What problem cannot be represented by a linear function?

Temperature Radio Active decay interest % population % Projectile of a ball exponential decay or growth depreciation %

How do you know if a graph is a function or not?

As long as the line represented on the graph has no vertical segments then it may be represented by a function. * * * * * That is not enough. y = sqrt(x) has no vertical segments but it is not a function in the mathematical sense. A function cannot map an x value to more than one y value. Clearly, the above function maps x to -sqrt(x) and +sqrt(x) and so is not a function. However, there no vertical segment. No matter how close you get to x = 0, there is still a curve and the segment is not vertical.

Properties and limitations of geometric mean?

In a given sequence, there are two possible means calculatable: Arithmetic Mean, and Geometric Mean. The arithmetic mean, as we all know, is calculated from the sum of all the numbers divided by how many numbers there are: Sumn/n. The Geometric sum is calculated by multiplying all the numbers within the sequence together and taking the nth root of this value: (Productn)(1/n).In a geometric series, N(i)= a(ri), the geometric mean is found to be a(rn-1), where n is the number of elements within the series. this decreases or increases exponentially depending on the r value. If r1, increasing.Limitation Of Geometric Mean are:-1) Geometric mean cannot be computed when there are both negative and positive values in a series or more observations are having zero value.2)Compared to Arithmetic Mean this average is more difficult to compute and interpret.-Iwin

Is geometric texture a texture that you can see?

Geometric textures are used in a variety of designs. Geometric textures can always be seen, but many of them are seen on a computer screen so you cannot touch them. There are some 3-D models that contain geometric textures.

What is the nth term for -3052?

A single number, such as -3052 cannot define a sequence and, without a sequence you cannot have an nth term.

What is the geometric series of 32757?

A single number cannot define a series.