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Q: What problem cannot be represented by a linear function?
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How do you find a linear function?

By finding something who's behavior is represented by a linear function and graphing it.

How do you do linear functions?

By finding something who's behavior is represented by a linear function and graphing it.

What is linear and nonlinear?

A linear or non linear function is a function that either creates a straight line or a crooked line when graphed. These functions are usually represented on a table under the headings x and y.

What is a slope in mathematics?

It's the gradient, or the steepness, of a linear function. It is represented by 'm' in the linear formula y=mx+b. To find the slope of a line, pick to points. The formula is (y2-y1)/(x2-x1). See the related link "Picture of a Linear Function for a picture of a linear function.

How can you tell by looking at the graph of a function that it is nonlinear?

A linear function would be represented by a straight line graph, so if it's not a straight line, it's nonlinear

Can the correlation coefficient be represented as a percentage?

No, the correlation coefficient is a measure of the strength and direction of the linear relationship between two variables, and it ranges from -1 to 1. It cannot be represented as a percentage.

Is linear function the same as linear equations?

No a linear equation are not the same as a linear function. The linear function is written as Ax+By=C. The linear equation is f{x}=m+b.

What is the end behavior of a linear function?

Assuming the domain is unbounded, the linear function continues to be a linear function to its end.

Is an exponential function linear?

No. An exponential function is not linear. A very easy way to understand what is and what is not a linear function is in the word, "linear function." A linear function, when graphed, must form a straight line.P.S. The basic formula for any linear function is y=mx+b. No matter what number you put in for the m and b variables, you will always make a linear function.

What is non linear programming problem?

It is a programming problem in which the objective function is to be optimised subject to a set of constraints. At least one of the constraints or the objective functions must be non-linear in at least one of the variables.

Is a linear equation the same as a function?

No a linear equation are not the same as a linear function. The linear function is written as Ax+By=C. The linear equation is f{x}=m+b.

What do you understand by linear programming problem?

1. What do you understand by Linear Programming Problem? What are the requirements of Linear Programming Problem? What are the basic assumptions of Linear Programming Problem?