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For only one set of percentages a pie chart but if more than one then a stacked bar chart.

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Q: What type of graph do you use that shows information using percentages?
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What type of data can be displayed on a pie graph and on a bar graph?

A pie chart, also known as a circle graph, shows categorical data using percentages. A bar graph shows categorical data using whole numbers.

Which graph would you use to show percentages?

A pie graph is best for using to show percentages.

How can you study speed by using grapphs?

Get a graph which shows speeds.

What are the advantages of using line graphs?

the advantages fo using a line graph is that is shows trends over time and with a bar chart it shows ammount

Based on the information in the graph what can you conclude about the world?

the birthrate on earth is higher than the death rate. apex

What are the advantages of using a scatter graph?

A scatter graph is good because it can show two pieces of information at once! :)

The difference between graph and chart?

A graph typically represents quantitative data using points, lines, or bars, while a chart is a visual representation of data that can include graphs, tables, or diagrams. Graphs are used to show relationships or trends in data, while charts are more general tools for visualizing information.

How can you make a graph with this experiment?

To make a graph with an experiment, it would be wise to make a short graph at first. Make a rough draft using basic numbers, and draw the graph after the information is gathered.

What is alike in bar graph and picture graph?

A bar graph uses rectangles of equal width to represent numerical values of variables whereas a picture graph conveys information using pictures and symbols.

Why are circle graphs used?

They are used to represents percentages, or parts of a whole. For example, if you wanted to survey people in regards to what phone company they used, you would express your data using a circle graph.

Producers can use a production possibilities frontier for what purposes?

A production possibilities frontier, or PPF, is a curve graph which shows combinations of two or more goods or services. The graph shows these goods or services being produced while using a maximum amount of resources.

What is a displacement time graph?

A displacement-time graph is a visual representation that shows how an object's position changes over time. The slope of the graph indicates the object's velocity, while the area under the graph corresponds to the total distance traveled by the object.