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Q: What type of graph is best to show continuous data?
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What data organizer would be best to show a change in data that is not continuous?

A bar graph would be best to show a change in data that is not continuous, as it allows for discrete categories to be visually compared easily. The gaps between bars help to emphasize that the data points are distinct and not continuous.

A line graph is commonly used to show continuous data?


Broken line graph?

A broken line graph shows information by plotting points of information on the graph and are connected with a line. This is used to show continuous data.

Say someone used a line graph to show info about the number of CDs she owned by different arists.Is a line graph a good choiceto show data.... Why or why not?

A line graph is not a good way to represent the data as the number of CDs is a continuous variable, but the artists are a discrete, categoric variable. A line graph should be used when both variables are continuous. A bar chart or bar graph should be used when one variable is continuous and one is discrete.

What type of graph is best to use to show data in equal intervals?

line graph

What does the broken line show?

A broken line on a graph typically represents a discontinuity or missing data points. It can also indicate that the data points may not be continuous or that there is a gap in the data being presented.

Which of the chart is best to show continuous data?

scatter plot

Is a line graph used to show continuous data?

It can be, but not necessarily. If I had the heights (continuous variable) of a class of students I might use a histogram. Conversely, if I had the number of cars (discrete variable) driving by every minute, I would use a line graph. It all depends on which kind of graph conveys the information to your audience in the best way.

What is the difference between a bar graph and line graph?

A bar graph consists of columns of varying height to show data - looking like 'steps' across the page. A line graph uses a continuous line which changes direction with each piece of data.

The type of graph used to show continuous change?

A line graph.

What Chart Works Best To Show One Piece Of Data?

line graph

How would you decide what graph to use in an experiment?

You would use a bar graph to show data changes over time or to show comparisons among items. A line graph can also be used to show data changes over time or comparisons. A pie/circle graph would be used to show the relative amount/size of items in a data set. A scatter plot is used to show trends and similarities in a large number of data points. This link might be useful too.