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Line graph because it takes time.

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Q: What type of graph should you used to compare the amount of rainfall in the fifty different states during the month of April?
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Distribution of rainfall throughout the year in pakistan?

Average of rainfall in Pakistan about 15 inches.

What temperatures occur during a drought?

During a drought, temperatures can vary depending on the region. In general, higher temperatures are common during a drought due to lack of rain and cloud cover, leading to increased solar radiation. However, there can also be instances of cooler temperatures if drought conditions lead to changes in atmospheric circulation patterns. These temperature fluctuations can further exacerbate the impact of drought on ecosystems and agriculture.

Why mumbai has 4 months rainfall yet receives 200cms of rainfall while chennai has 8 months of rainfall yet receives 100cms of rainfall?

The difference in the amount of rainfall between Mumbai and Chennai is due to their geographical location and topography. Mumbai is located on the western coast and receives heavy rainfall during the monsoon season from the Arabian Sea. Chennai, on the other hand, is located on the southeastern coast and receives rainfall from both the southwest and northeast monsoons. The amount of rainfall also depends on factors such as wind patterns, ocean currents, and local geography.

What kind of graph would you use to show the amount of rainfall in your community during the last year?

A line graph would be suitable for showing the amount of rainfall in your community over the last year. Time (months or weeks) would be plotted on the x-axis, while the amount of rainfall would be plotted on the y-axis. This would allow for easy visualization of trends and fluctuations in rainfall over time.

During a drought is there less or more rainfall?

During a drought, there is typically less rainfall compared to normal conditions. Drought is characterized by below-average precipitation over an extended period, leading to water shortages and dry conditions.

Meaning of amount of rainfall?

If, for example, the rainfall is recorded once every week for a whole year, and the recorded results added together, the average would be the total divided by the number of weeks in a year. This will give the average amount of rain that fell during the whole of the year.

Why does Asia does not get any rainfall during winter?

Asia doesn't get any rainfall during the winter because of the monsoon season which does not bring any rainfall during the winter months.

Where does heavy rainfall during the months of October and November receive in India?

heavy rainfall during the months of october and november is received by

When does rain fall in the UAE?

Rainfall in the UAE is irregular and typically occurs during the winter months from December to March. The amount of rainfall is generally low, and the UAE experiences a desert climate with little precipitation throughout the year.

What are some effects of rainfall on the savanna?

Rainfall in the savanna can affect the growth of vegetation, supporting the growth of grasses and trees during the wet season. It also affects the migration patterns of animals, influencing their movements to areas with water and food availability. The frequency and amount of rainfall can impact the overall biodiversity and productivity of the savanna ecosystem.

What does average rainfall mean?

If, for example, the rainfall is recorded once every week for a whole year, and the recorded results added together, the average would be the total divided by the number of weeks in a year. This will give the average amount of rain that fell during the whole of the year.

Over a 20-year period a certain city recorded a total rainfall of 621 inches. The rainfall during this past year was 28 inches. If the variable r stands for the total amount of rain for the other 19 y?

r = 593 inches.