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Q: What type of graph would best be used to show a change in a variable over time?
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How would you describe the slope of a graph showing slow speed?

The slope of a graph showing slow speed would be gentle or gradual. This indicates that there is a small change in the dependent variable over a given interval of the independent variable.

Which type of graph is best for analyzing quantitative dependent and independent variable?

A scatter graph.

What is the best graph to use for time?

A line graph because time is a continuous variable

What graph is the best for an independent and dependent variable?

spread sheet

Which local water budget variable best accounts for the peaks in the graph?

i shave

What type of graph best portrays the overall shape of the distribution of a variable?

It is a histogram.

Is a line graph used to show continuous data?

It can be, but not necessarily. If I had the heights (continuous variable) of a class of students I might use a histogram. Conversely, if I had the number of cars (discrete variable) driving by every minute, I would use a line graph. It all depends on which kind of graph conveys the information to your audience in the best way.

The variable plottted on the horizontal x-axis is called?

You're generally going to put the independent variable on the horizontal axis, ie the variable that you decided to change in the experiment. If it is a continuous variable (ie a run of numbers) then you will be plotting a line graph and joining with a line or curve of best fit. If your variable is categoric ie has labels rather than numbers, or if it is whole-number only, then you're going to be plotting a bar graph.

What best describes a root of a polynomial?

A value of the variable when the polynomial has a value of 0. Equivalently, the value of the variable when the graph of the polynomial intersects the variable axis (usually the x-axis).

When the graph of best fit is a straight line the dependent and independent variables have what kind of relationship?

the dependent variable has one value and the independent variable has no value

What is the best graph to show temperature change?

Scatter graph i think. Hope that helps!