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One advantage of graphing daa in general is to see patterns. Many types of graphs will show patterns. Line graphs are excellent for seeing patterns and trends.

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Q: What type of graph would you use to show patterns in your data?
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This graph sHow is how one quantity changes as conditions change It makes it easier to see general patterns in the data it represents?

Line Graph

What graph shows trends and how data changes over time?

A line graph would show this.

What type of data would you use a circle graph show?


Would let you show a relationship between two variables where each piece of data is represented independently of any other data?

Bar Graph

How would you decide what graph to use in an experiment?

You would use a bar graph to show data changes over time or to show comparisons among items. A line graph can also be used to show data changes over time or comparisons. A pie/circle graph would be used to show the relative amount/size of items in a data set. A scatter plot is used to show trends and similarities in a large number of data points. This link might be useful too.

Which is the best type of graph to show the weights of fifty dogs?

A bar graph would be a suitable option to show the weights of fifty dogs, with each bar representing an individual dog's weight. This allows for an easy comparison of the weights and helps identify any outliers or patterns in the data.

What is a scattergraph?

A scattergraph is a type of data visualization that displays individual data points on a two-dimensional graph. It helps to show the relationship between two variables and identify patterns or trends in the data.

What graph is used to show how data changes over time?

A line graph is used to show data over time.

How does graphing show us that some natural phenomena may be predictable?

by entering data into a table or graph, you can see trends and patterns in many events

What graph can you use to show data in intervals?

bar graph

What data organizer would be best to show a change in data that is not continuous?

A bar graph would be best to show a change in data that is not continuous, as it allows for discrete categories to be visually compared easily. The gaps between bars help to emphasize that the data points are distinct and not continuous.

What is a graph used for?

Graph's functions visualize data, putting it in perspectie and comparision. and to show data