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Q: What type of number are integers but not whole numbers?
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What number can be written as a ratio of 2 numbers?

It depends on what type of numbers they are. A number that can be written as a ratio of 2 integers is a rational number. If one of the numbers is irrational or complex the answer is complicated.

Is the square root of 32 an integer or whole number?

The square root of 32 is 5.65685424949238 (or 5.66 rounded). An Integer is defined as numbers that can be written without a fractional or decimal component. A Whole Number is not a mathematical term and can either mean Natural Numbers (0, 1, 2, 3, 4....) or Integers (.... -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4....). ie 12345, 980, 5, and -17 ARE integers .1213, 3.5, 7.999999 and 3.141592 are NOT integers Numbers that are qualified by root symbols (ie √2 ) or fractions (ie 5½) are NOT integers they are formulae . However, √ and other similar roots of numbers can become integers if when calculated, they result in integers; in this case √9 = 3. Note: Integers are numbers and cannot be a formula, therefore √9 being a formula cannot be an integer so if it was required to be stored in a database on a computer as √9 to preserve it's origin (for example) , then it would have to be kept as text where as the product of the calculation (ie 3) could be kept as such because it is an integer. The fact that a number is negative or positive does not affect it being or not being an integer. The rules above govern whether it is or is not. Integers are also a data type (2 bytes) used in computing to store numbers ranging in value from -32,768 to 32,767. (whole numbers only).

What type of number cannot be written as a ratio of two integers?

an irrational number

What type of numbers are said to be in rational form and are referred to as rational numbers?

They are numbers which are written in the form p/q where p and q are integers.

Why aren't fractions only rational numbers?

Since rational numbers are expressed as a/b where a & b are integers, in a sense fractions & rationals means the same thing. Integers may be considered fractions with denominators of 1 or other improper fractions. In any case, most real numbers are irrational; the rationals are just one type of real number.

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How many numbers are between 40 and 50?

Answer vary according to the type of number. If we say, whole numbers, counting numbers or integers between 40 and 50 then the answer is 9. But, if we talk about rational numbers and irrational numbers between 40 and 50, then the answer is infinite.

What number can be written as a ratio of 2 numbers?

It depends on what type of numbers they are. A number that can be written as a ratio of 2 integers is a rational number. If one of the numbers is irrational or complex the answer is complicated.

What type of whole number would you most prevalent in the first 100 whole numbers?

composite whole numbers

What is the smallest three digit number that has 5?

This depends on the type of number you want. For integers, the answer is 105. For real numbers, the answer is -.005.

Is the square root of 32 an integer or whole number?

The square root of 32 is 5.65685424949238 (or 5.66 rounded). An Integer is defined as numbers that can be written without a fractional or decimal component. A Whole Number is not a mathematical term and can either mean Natural Numbers (0, 1, 2, 3, 4....) or Integers (.... -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4....). ie 12345, 980, 5, and -17 ARE integers .1213, 3.5, 7.999999 and 3.141592 are NOT integers Numbers that are qualified by root symbols (ie √2 ) or fractions (ie 5½) are NOT integers they are formulae . However, √ and other similar roots of numbers can become integers if when calculated, they result in integers; in this case √9 = 3. Note: Integers are numbers and cannot be a formula, therefore √9 being a formula cannot be an integer so if it was required to be stored in a database on a computer as √9 to preserve it's origin (for example) , then it would have to be kept as text where as the product of the calculation (ie 3) could be kept as such because it is an integer. The fact that a number is negative or positive does not affect it being or not being an integer. The rules above govern whether it is or is not. Integers are also a data type (2 bytes) used in computing to store numbers ranging in value from -32,768 to 32,767. (whole numbers only).

Which type of numbers can be written as a fraction plq where p and q are integers and q is not equal to zero?

rational numbers

What type of numbers can be written as a fraction plq where p and q are integers and q is not equal to zero?

rational numbers

Which sets of numbers are closed under multiplication?

There are infinitely many sets of this type. Some of the common sets include natural numbers, integers, rational numbers, real numbers, complex numbers. Also, as an example, all sets of multiples of some whole number, for instance: { ... -6, -4, -2, 0, 2, 4, 6, ...} {... -9, -6, -3, 0, 3, 6, 9, ...} etc.

Why the atomic mass numbers listed for elements on the Periodic Table are not whole numbers.?

Why are atomic masses of elements not generally whole numbers? The atomic masses listed on the periodic table are a weighted AVERAGE of an element'sisotopes. ... An element's atomic number is the number of protons in its nucleus. Number of protons specifies atom type.

How can closure property help understand the type of solution you might expect with operations?

In a group with closure the solution to the operation must be a number from the same set. The set of integers and the set of rational numbers are closed under addition. So the sum of two (or more) integers must be an integer, the sum of rational numbers must be a rational number.

What type of number cannot be written as a ratio of two integers?

an irrational number

What type of graph is used to show counting numbers?

It's tempting to say a line (or possibly an edge) graph, but a line graph has two axes. Graph theory can get "abstractive" real quick. And we don't need all that "clique" stuff, do we? The counting numbers are the integers. They include all the positive integers and all the negative integers and zero. (That's three sets of numbers in the set of integers. And one of the sets, the set with zero in it, has only one member.) Let's try something a little different. We often talk about the real number line as a way to "graph" the integers. Heck, they're all there. So are all the other real numbers, but those counting numbers are still on the real number line. The source of the difficulty here may be that it is "unclear" to ask what type of graph is used to show the counting numbers instead of just saying, "What is used to show the counting numbers?" The answer to that question is usually a simple one. "We use the real number line to show the counting numbers."