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Angstrom meters is the measurement for light

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Q: What type of numbers are used to represent the magnitudes of dim stars?
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Is light from stars and light from planets the same?

Planets don't produce their own light, it is only reflected light from the Sun. The light from the Sun is exactly the same type of light that comes from all other stars, it is stronger only because the Sun is closer to us. Brightness is measured in magnitudes, the bright stars are magnitudes 0 and 1 and there are even two stars with a negative magnitude. The dimmest stars visible in perfect conditions are 6th magnitude. The Sun's magnitude is -26.7. If the distance goes up 10 times, the brightness goes down 100 times, which is exactly 5 magnitudes.

What do stars on the flag mean?

The stars on the United States flag represent the 50 states of America, and the stripes represent the 14 original states of America.

What is a Subdwarf star?

A star with luminosity class VI under the Yerkes Spectral Classification System. They have luminosity 1.5 to 2 magnitudes lower than main-sequence stars of the same spectral type.

What type of star has high absolute magnitudes and high temperatures?


Stars are now classified by how?

Stars are classified by their spectral characteristics and luminosity. Spectral classification categorizes stars based on their temperatures and composition, while luminosity classifies them by their brightness and size. These classifications help astronomers understand the characteristics and behaviors of different types of stars.

When you use decimal which type of data is it?

Decimal numbers are real numbers. In C and C++ we use the float, double and long double data types to represent real numbers.

What do the three stars stand for on the Arkansas state flag?

Type your answer here... A. The 25 stars represent that Arkansas was the 25th state to join the USA. The 3 stars in the middle represent that Arkansas has been a territory of these three nations: Spain, France, and the USA. The single star represents that Arkansas was a Confederate state

What happens when stars collide?

They become bound together as they orbit one another. As they orbit they disturb they space around them, and create waves of energy, and that energy slows them down, which in hand pull them closer to each other. The closer they are the faster they spin, this rotation could be a 1000 times per sec. When the two stars are about to hit, they are moving at the speed of light. This will cause an release of energy of great magnitudes. That is two neutron stars, this does not go for all the different type of stars

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A combination of chemical symbols and numbers to represent a substance?

A chemical formula is a combination of chemical symbols and numbers that represent the elements and ratio of atoms present in a substance. It provides information about the type and number of atoms in each element that make up the compound.

Why do different types of interferences in a wave happen?

If you wish, you can summarize this into ONE type of interference, in which the magnitudes of the wave are added algebraically.