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The short dotted lines are the type of lines on a drawing that are designed to represent the hidden details.

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Q: A type of line is used on a drawingdesigned to represent hidden details?
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A hidden line is a line that cannot be seen.

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In Engineering drawing when the center line and the hidden lines lie on the same line which would be given priority?

On engineering drawings, the priority hierachy is object line, hidden line, center line. A centerline can be drawn extending beyond the physical edges of the part, a hidden line cannot. The hidden line (equally spaced short dashes) is drawn on the part instead of the centerline (alternating long dash, short dash, long dash)when the two lines are stacked in a view. If an object line, hidden line and center line are stacked in a view, the object line takes priority and is shown on the drawing. The centerline in both instances can be shown extending beyond the part edges for clarity.