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Q: What type of polygon is the block letter f?
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What kind of polygon is the letter F?


What type of electromagnetic wave is exhibited by letter f?

There isn't a type of electromagnetic wave described by the letter f. There are, however, fictitious f-rays which are beams of neutrinos.

What type of solid begins with the letter F?


Elements can be categorized into how many blocks based on their number of electron orbitals?

Elements can be categorized into four blocks based on the number of electron orbitals: s-block, p-block, d-block, and f-block. Each block corresponds to a different type of orbital in which the electrons are likely to be found.

How do you type the Fahrenheit symbol?

Simply a capital letter F.

Is Eu a f-block element?

Yes,Eu is a f-block element.It belongs to group of lanthanoids.

Is there a type of scientist that starts with the letter f if so what is it called?


A type of car that begins with the letter F?

Ford is one of many.

What is a type of newt that is spelled with four letters the second letter f and the last letter is s?


What is the name of a type of warship that starts with the letter f?

A frigate is a type of warship that starts with the letter f. It is a medium-sized vessel used for a variety of naval missions, including escorting and protecting other ships.

The f-block elements in period 7 are known as?

The f-block elements in period 7 are known as the actinides.

Which letter of alphabetic is not polygon?
