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Sinners who have betrayed their country

People who betray their family

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Macy Wuckert

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2y ago
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Q: What type of sinners are being punished in the final circle of Hell?
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A circle is inscribed in an equilateral triangle of side 6 find area of square inscribed in a circle?

The answer in 6.... draw an angular bisector from one of the angles to the centre of circle then draw a perpendicular from the centre of circle. Those to lines will form a triangle... use trigonometry and find the length of the perpendicular, which is also a radius... double the radius and u will get the diagonal for the square... using formula :- (Side)^2 + (Side)^2 = (Diagonal)^2, find the side of square and square the answer, which will give you your final answer

When was the last time four number one seeds made the Final Four?

2008 is the first year, since teams began being seeded in 1979, that four #1 seeds made the Final Four. Those teams are North Carolina, Kansas, Memphis and UCLA.

Why is October the 10 month instead of the 8 month?

In the early Roman calendar there were only 10 months in the year with October being the 8th month and December being the 10th and final month of the year. It was Julius Caesar who introduced two more months in the year which was known as the Julian Calendar thus making October the 10th month of the year and December then became the 12th and final month of the year.

How do i average my grade when my grade is an 82 and my final was a 73 and the final is worth 25 what is my final grade?

If final is 25% of grade and your average was 82 before final that part is 75%. So we have (.75(82) + .25 (73)) = 80

What is the square footage of a fourteen foot circle?

Assuming 14 is the diameter of the circle, you would use the equation pi(r)^2 to find pi(7)^2 is your answer. Don't have a calculator, so I'm gonna say 49pi is your final answerpi is about 3.14, doing it by hand...3 * 49 = 147.1 * 49 = 4.9.04 * 49 = 1.96Adding 147, 4.9, and 1.96 gives 153.86 square feet.Using a calculator, with more digits of pi gives 153.9380

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In the the final circle of hell what type of sinners are being punished?

Sinners who have betrayed their country People who betray their family

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In the final circle of hell in Dante's Inferno, the sinners being punished are traitors. This circle is divided into four rounds where traitors to family, country, guests, and benefactors are condemned to eternal suffering.

In the final circle of hell what type of sinners are being punished?

Sinners who have betrayed their country People who betray their family

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