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a cone

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Q: What type of space figure does a teepee suggest?
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Related questions

What type of teepee's did the Shoshone tribe live in?

They lived in pointed teepee house. : )

What type of homes did the Indian's have?

teepee's , longhouses.

A soup can an example of what type of space figure?

it is cylinder

What type of homes did the wyandot Indians have?

teepee's , longhouses.

What type of culture lives in a tepee?

the plains Indians lived in a teepee

What is the space inside a figure called?

It depends on the type of figure. If it is a 2D figure, then it is called area. If it is a 3D figure, then it is called volume.

What are solids in mathematics?

* A 3D type of figure. * Something that contains a certain amount of space and volume. * It will have a cubic measurement.

Teepee's were used by which culture?

Nomads. Nomads are a type of tribe that would follow the herds of animals so that they could eat.

What language does teepee come from?

The word "teepee" comes from the Lakota Sioux language, where it is spelled as "tipi." It refers to a type of portable conical tent traditionally used by Indigenous peoples of the Great Plains in North America.

What type of bird builds a nest shaped like a teepee and taller than a human and makes and decorates several rooms insides?

I bet its a pig!

Where can I find an auto mortgage calculator?

There are calculators of all types readily available online. For a mortgage or any other type of multi-year figure, I would suggest going to or They provide multiple options for that type of calculator.

Which type of Native Americains lived in tipees?

Plains Native American Indians because they were light and easy to move. The teepee was good as it could be constructed easily and was cool in the summer but warm in the winter. Plains Indians were nomadic (meaning always moving from place to place) they couldattach the teepee to a horse and move it to their next settlement.