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A rotation

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Q: What type of transformation turns a figure about a point?
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A figure is transformed in the plane such that no point maps to itself. What type of transformation?

It could be a reflection with the mirror line outside the figure; it could be a rotation with the centre of rotation outside the figure; or it could be a translation.

What type of transformation can change the size of an image from the original figure?


What is a type of transformation when a figure is slid along a straight line?


One type of transformation where a geometric figure is slid horizontally vertically or both?


What is axial reflection?

Axial reflection is a type of transformation in geometry where a figure is reflected over an axis. The axis of reflection is a line that remains fixed while the rest of the figure is mirrored across it. This transformation preserves the size and shape of the figure.

What type of tranformation does not result in a figure that is congruent to the original one?

An enlargement. In general, a non-linear transformation.

What is a type of transformation in which you move a points of a figure the same number of units up or down and left or right?


What type of transformation is taking place when you travel up an escalator?

The type of transformation taking place when you travel up an escalator is a translational motion, where an object moves from one point to another in a straight line.

What is the single type of transformation that would produce figure e from figure a in geometry?

It would depend on the figures a and e. And since you have not bothered to provide that information, I cannot provide a sensible answer.

What are all the transformation vivosaurs on fossil fighters?

- Proto, water type, turns into tricera, can be found in secret island. - Guan, fire type, turns into T-rex, can be found in mt. lavaflow or you can get the head fossil if you help the person in the fossil center. - Aopteryx, neutral type, turns into all vivosaur ( random ), can be found in parchment desert.

What type of figure is a vertex of a cube?

It is the point of a dihedral (solid) angle.

What type of landforms can transformation cause?

Transformation can lead to the formation of various landforms such as mountains, valleys, canyons, and plateaus. The processes of erosion, weathering, deposition, and tectonic movements can all contribute to the shaping of the Earth's surface into these different landforms.