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Inferential statistics.

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Q: What type of statistics employ the use of sample data that is used to infer information about the population?
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Related questions

What is the relationship between a sample and population is statistics?

Information obtained from the sample can be extrapolated to the whole population using statistics.

When can statistics be used to gain information about a population from a sample?

When the sample - whether it is random or systematic - is somehow representative of the population.

What is represenatative sample of population?

A representative sample is one where the statistics of the sample are the same as the statistics for the parent population.

What is a set of numbers representing some sort of information from the sample or population?

Statistics or data set

In statistics what is the set of numbers representing some sort of information from the sample or population?

Data Set

Why use sample instead of population?

When performing an experiment or gathering data for statistics, it would be very difficult to gather information for every member of the group's population. Instead, one can gather information from a sample large enough to be representative of the population.

What are the set of numbers representing some sort of information from the sample or population?

The general term statistics might be the set of numbers representing some sort of information from a sample population. The term data set can also be applied.

What is a subset from a larger population?

in statistics a sample is a subset of population..

What is census in statistics?

Statistics: Survey of an entire population, as opposed to a sample survey.

What are the statistical methods called that use sample data to answer general questions about a population?

Inferential statistics. This branch of statistics involves making inferences or predictions about a population based on data collected from a sample taken from that population.

What are Pros and Cons of population and sample in statistics?


What is population mean in statistics?

The population mean is the mean value of the entire population. Contrast this with sample mean, which is the mean value of a sample of the population.